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Old 04-14-2011, 02:33 AM   #712 (permalink)
Justifiable Idiocracy
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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Posts: 1,244

Ive done this before, but I figure now that mods dont approve it before it hits the MB streets. It would be the prime time to to let it all hang out no? Just kidding Freebase. Anyway im bored so ill see what I can dig up on some of MB's finest!
  • Dj- gotten to know you a little better now that ive spent a lil time on here. You still seem like a pretty good dude, and crack me up from time to time. Your opinion of what white people find funny(prank wise) is probally the best. You have quite a variety of music genres your knowledgeable in, and have a particular fondness for Dr. Dre's Chronic album. One of my all time favs as well man. You stay open minded to all genres of music, and refrain from assuming anyones personal preferences(other than your own) are absurd. A quality that a lot of others should look into practicing.
  • Dirty- though we dont talk as much as we use to...your sense of humor still makes me laugh. You manage to not take every lil single thing so damn serious, and have a lil fun. I like the your knowledge of sports, and attitude toward the misfits of sports. I dont know how much we would vibe musicly cause I dont know much about todays rap. Still the beer stories, and antics bring plenty of laughs, and I hope you continue with more of your drunken vid diss rants and taunts.
  • Il Duce- I didnt really know what to think of you at first..........and sometimes I still dont. But you have your moments that are just funny as hell to me. Mainly cuz I think your being totally honest without shame when you post and chat. Your posts at times seem to sky rocket as if your in some kind of contest but I think you just really have a lot to say. Very odd sense of sexual humor at times...which is funny cuz James finds it so offensive. Your music tastes are very broad and for the most part ok. With the exception of what you said about Hendrix I dont disagree on much. (which btw still makes me laugh) I hope you continue your stay on MB and continue to contribute to the site.
  • Milano-Your still new as far as I can tell but seem to be pretty cool. Your sporadic random outburts of comedy usually spark a conversation and lighten everyones mood. Im not too familiar with your musical taste, but again I havent seen to much from you posts wise.
  • S K- I almost forgot about you.... you smiley terd you. I thought in the beginning that the whole smiley thing was just a fad you would grow out of. Now I see that its really a part of you, and has become all I know about you. Other than your obsession for hugs and ability to never give up on x loved ones. (and the fact you would never make it in prison) Ive listened a few times to albums that you have reccomended, but our taste differs a bit. You do have a great nack for tinkering with sound equipment it seemsm and did participate in the beer taunts. I hope you particularly liked the huge smiley I posted for you in the snog,snag,marry or avoid thread. All jokes aside you seem really nice man(in a serial killer kinda way) but none the less..a nice guy.
  • Freebase-your deep seeded need for sarcasticly humiliating people(including me) on here is hilarious to me. You musical taste dont seem to be to far from mine either. The attraction you have for using profanity is comical as well if I might add. Still I dont underestimate your intelligence in the least, and you seem to do a lot for the site. Your kinship with Natural Light is a plus in my book, and brings to light some of your southern roots. Making it seem that us southerners are not so out numbered on here.
  • Burning Down- i still dont know that much about you really except that you participate in the Blues threads time to time. You share a liking for Tab Benoit and seem to have reasonably good taste in music over all.(still waiting on your opinion of one of Tabs songs btw) Ive noticed you post more than when I first joined so im starting to learn more about your taste. You always treat people very kind, and seem to be down to earth. Your curiosity as to why DJ hates Canada so much is amusing as well.
Thats all I feel like doing for now...some of you either I dont notice or I dont know well enough to comment on. There are some that im leaving out, but im tired of typing at the moment so maybe next time MB addicts. Also I know my typing and spelling sucks as most everyone on here for the most part knows so for those who dont. Please excuse the typo's and puctuation/spelling errors...or piss off thanks. Ill just keep periodicly updating this throughout the day.
  • Mojopinuk-pretty cool cat from what I can tell...doesnt seem to place himself above anybody and contributes a lot of positive feedback. Still not to familiar with him but he does enjoy to drink and thats always a good start. Also..can we get his name with some capital letters piz?
  • Right Track- again dont know a whole lot of him either other than he likes the word pretentious.....
  • Jackhammer- again awesome avatar and very in depth knowledge of music. We really dont converse a whole lot, but I enjoy reading your thoughts, and opinions on various musical topics.
  • Vanilla- seem to be down to earth as not understanding the anal beads obsession but hey..whatever. Cool avatar as well and posts a lot of interesting topics in the lounge.
  • Urban- ive read many of your posts and dont lean one way or the other about you....maybe a lil bitter? I dont know..I dont have a problem with seem to know a lot about the history of music and things of that sort. Oh and have a low tolerence for threads like....."Whats the weirdest thing you have ever wiped yoour but with?"
  • Love Song- me nor anyone else I dont think know anything except your passion for posting love songs...and them quoting them. Its almost as if your convincing yourself your in love sometimes.
  • Crash- ive done a lil back and forth with you on here. Mainly in the sports section of the seem pretty cool and your military background definatley gets respect from me. I like your blatent responses though some dont know how to take you sometimes I dont think. Other than being a packer fan you seem to be ok...even if yall did win the super bowl..I hate the packers.
  • Rezz-i appreciate his knowledge of guitars and think he deserves more recognition for it than he gets. His taste in music is pretty similiar to mine as well and has a great respect for Hendrix. Ive read some pretty useful tips as far as critiquing your strats from him in some threads. I hope to see more posts from him in the future.
Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
Fuck you, bloozin! Your stupid thread too!
<DoctorSoft>: You know life is good when you take Viagra to jack off lol
Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
- Hendrix didn't even play the blues that well -

Amongst Mb's Most
(Smiley Face)

Last edited by Bloozcrooz; 04-14-2011 at 07:54 AM.
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