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Old 04-13-2011, 12:01 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
I think this would (should) be included in the "new notification" link that would pop up in the welcome area on the top right, right under the private message notification, and also include an option to enable a pop-up window for alert.

As long as there's something notifying you to click on that link to bring you to your CP, where the actual notifications are, I think that would do. Did you have something else in mind regarding that?
The other forums that are both vBulletin forums that I frequent have something where it's not a pop up, but when it shows that you have a notification, you click on it, and it has a drop down menu that has a list of things "pending friend requests" / "new profile visitor messages" / etc. Than whatever the notification is referring to, it highlights that specific notification, and when you click on it, it brings you to whatever it is notifying. It keeps all the notifications in one place in case you get 2 or 3. I would get a picture of it, but I currently dont have any notifications on either forum, but when I do, I can get a screen cap of it so that this makes more sense.
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