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Old 04-12-2011, 09:49 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Chy-Town yo.
Posts: 9
Default Well hello there.

Ummmm, hi.

Well to get it out of the way, my (pen)name is Alex. I'm an eighteen year old aspiring musician/writer, and full time geek(seriously, I'm a raging band/Sci-fi nerd and I work at Gamestop.)

What do I mean by aspiring musician?

Well I play a couple of instruments, they are as follows

Drums(Intermediate-Easy Adv.)
Bass(Who am I kidding, I just mess around on a friends and press down random frets )

Music is a part of my daily life, I wake up to it, and I go to sleep to it. I don't discriminate against Genres, though I dislike certain artists.

As for the writing, I have written a couple of short stories, some WoW and Silent Hill fan-fiction(I make a point to never use canon characters unless I absolutely have to) and me and my cousin have been basically co-writing a massive story where we've mashed every possible geek thing together, WoW? Done it. Naruto? Done it, and so on and so forth.

Currently I am working on a trilogy of full novels, the entire series being called 'The Catalyst'. While I only started actually writing it last year, it has been my little pet idea since I was five(there's a story behind that but it is a tl;dr situation)

As for my personal life, I am a fairly open Bisexual(though I've never had a boyfriend , too many straight guys at my school. :p) I also have insomnia, and most of my family seem to think I'm autistic >_>

Well, I guess that's all you need to know about me.

Oh I almost forgot:


Currently Listening/Re-listening to;
System of a Down-Toxicity and Mesmerize
Hollywood Undead- American Tragedy
Wye Oak- Civillian
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