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Old 04-11-2011, 03:20 PM   #9835 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post

I watched War of the Worlds 2 this afternoon and it was okay. Finally, a direct to video sequel that actually mentions the first one. Usually these sequels are completely independent from their first ones. If I had to rate it, I would give it a 2/5. It's a good watch if you like sci-fi movies especially b-movie type ones. Also, if you would like to see Kid from Kid and Play acting again. Yep, he's in it.
What the hell? The original WOTW was a groundbreaking Science Fiction masterpiece that was absolutely unfit for any type of sequel. It was a standalone narrative about the nature of human life and human struggle, with an excellent "twist" when the invaders *SPOILER* fell prey to basic microbial predators that we, as humans, have long become immune to. /spoiler

I fail to see how any kind of sequel/prequel/spinoff could have been anything but a blatant attempt at money grubbing blasphemy.
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