Also, this thread wouldn't be complete without this great hit. Tina is a popular Serbian singer who sings about gold-diggers, mink coats, diamonds, expensive cars etc. MC Stojan (you pronounce it like Stoyan) is the musical joke of Serbia. But, they have this duet and it is ultra popular and no party is complete without it.
So sexy, sexy, sexy
They are sexy, sexy, sexy
Good evening I'm Stojan, you all know me
When I see a nice chick I jump immediately
First performance abroad, I went to Switzerland
Tina called, says come to Ibiza
Breasts and ****tails are waiting for me there
Bikini, beach, topless, hot looks
Then I started touring Europe
Chicks in Austria, Germany are professionals
So sexy, sexy, sexy
They are sexy, sexy, sexy
They are sexy and everybody's turned on by them
They love expensive things because they can
They do not like to drive Yugo (a car)
And you love to share them with a friend.
So attractive, her body turns you on
You don't have the guts to approach her sober
Bartender, help!!!