Originally Posted by Bulldog
Today I decided that instead of doing anything constructive it'd be a better idea to just watch another couple of movies I've heard a lot about but never seen, starting with;
^ Don't let that tacky MS Paint artwork put you off, as I couldn't agree with the top portion of blurb more. Pretty sick stuff, but I was just getting warmed up for...
^ That picture should tell you all you need to know.
In a word; ewwwwww
Never heard of the first one but I would definitely give it a watch.
As for Salo. It is certainly not for everyone and it does (literally) shove some ideals down your throat but it is damn powerful film and the last few minutes are some of the most haunting I have ever seen on film.
Anyone with a mere passing in serious film should have a watch of this on their C.V.