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Old 04-07-2011, 10:32 PM   #6 (permalink)
carpe musicam
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Originally Posted by Zaqarbal View Post
It doesn't matter. I just wanted to remark the eminently rustic nature of the three Abrahamic religions' origin.
"Abrahamic Religions" is a misnomer, the fact is Abraham never started three religions, he is only mentioned in those religious texts.

Originally Posted by Zaqarbal View Post
Peoples create their religion in their own image and likeness. And the historical and geographical context play a key role here. People's knowledge of the physical world has a reflection on their religious world. Thus, a narrow husbandry geographic area corresponds with a narrow and simplistic religious view.
So that can't be so bad if it is simplistic, so it follows lex parsimoniae why is it ok for athiest to habitually invoke Ockham's Razor when one mentions God, if one says "God created the universe" that too complicated because of Ockham's Razor, but when it comes to religion "simplicity" is not good enough? Sometimes the mark of genius is doing something in a more simplistic way than others would do.

Originally Posted by Zaqarbal View Post

"On Earth as it is in Heaven"

Exactly. On Earth as it is in Heaven. Or In Heaven as it is on Earth. Or in other words: in religion (and therefore in morals) as it is on the land. Physical sheeps projected on moral sheeps. Sheep. The docile animal par excelence, who always needs to be guided.
As far as sheep being "stupid" I have to object, that's only your understand of sheep, it doesn't reflect how they feel about themselves and they are a lot smarter than you think they are.

We are all born without knowledge and need to be taught and guided, we all learn from someone else. George Lucas said that a person will always be in need some mentor, someone to help them even till old age. He studied all religions around the world and to him that relationship between a teacher and a student is important, and something he explored in his space epic - Star Wars.
So even if a person says he rejects religion, there is some philosopher or other writer he reads and study, as if that person needs to be guided by them.

Originally Posted by Zaqarbal View Post
Only suitable for blind obedience. - "Abraham, kill your son!" - "At your orders, my Lord!"
The Akeidat Yitzchak is one of the most import stories in the Bible. Stories from the Bible are very interesting and are food for thought, and comentaries are just as enlightening.

Originally Posted by wikipedia
But according to Rabbi Joseph H. Hertz (Chief Rabbi of the British Empire), child sacrifice was actually "rife among the Semitic peoples," and suggests that "in that age, it was astounding that Abraham's God should have interposed to prevent the sacrifice, not that He should have asked for it. "Hertz interprets the Akedah as demonstrating to the Jews that human sacrifice is abhorrent. "Unlike the cruel heathen deities, it was the spiritual surrender alone that God required." In Jeremiah 32:35, God states that the later Israelite practice of child sacrifice to the deity Molech "had [never] entered My mind that they should do this abomination."

Originally Posted by Zaqarbal View Post
As an opposition, the Greek Civilization. Explored the entire Mediterranean Basin:

I don't share your view that the ancient Hebrews were just rubes herding sheep and therefore less cosmopolitan or philosophical than other civilizations or religions. Reading the Bible you would learn that in their stories they also came in contact with other people wether they were captured, enslaved, sought alliance with, the only difference is that the plot of their story was to hold fast to their faith.

"lt's the centurion's faith that wins him divine favor." - (Randy Quaid) Kingpin
Originally Posted by mord View Post
Actually, I like you a lot, Nea. That's why I treat you like ****. It's the MB way.

"it counts in our hearts" ?ºº?
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