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Old 04-07-2011, 11:29 AM   #1 (permalink)
cardboard adolescent
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Default Tarot & I-Ching (read first post!)

Hi all,

I would like to start offering Tarot and I Ching readings through private message to anyone who wants them. I believe that they’re both really useful tools that can be used in a variety of ways depending on how you relate to them. With that in mind, I would ask that anyone who gets in touch with me for a reading provide a short summary of where they’re coming from, how they approach these things, and what sort of issues are most dominant for them on a day-to-day basis.

For the Tarot readings, I will include a .jpg of the spread with an explanation of the spread and what the positions of the cards are meant to represent. My primary reason for doing this is because I believe the Tarot is a dynamic interaction that isn’t based on the reader using their psychic abilities to tell you what the cards mean, but rather an interchange between the reader and the querent facilitated by the Tarot, which speaks to both parties simultaneously. So I’ll tell you what the cards mean to me, and you can help fill in blind spots or challenge my interpretations if you get another impression from them.

To guide the Tarot reading, I ask that you set a strong intention. Why are you consulting the Tarot? The reason can be anything, as long as it’s honest and as transparent as possible. Also, a degree of seriousness is recommended—preferably a light-hearted seriousness. When sending me your intention through private message, focus on it as strongly as possible while writing it down.

As for the I Ching readings, I’ll most likely summarize what I read in whichever book I choose to use in a way that I think will be most helpful for you. If you want more information, feel free to ask and it shall be given. You don’t need to set an intention for the I Ching, but I would ask that you mentally or inwardly grant me permission to flip some coins for you so that I can give you your hexagram. Alternatively you can flip your own coins, if you want to do that send your summary and I'll tell you what to do.

There are plenty of online resources where you can get online Tarot or I Ching readings, and they’re fun to play around with. Communicating with an actual person gives you more possibility of dynamic exchange, and that’s really what this is about. Hopefully some of you are interested and will get in touch!
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