Originally Posted by GeddyBass2112
For me the issue stems not just from just any one set of churches or people but the entirety of the bassis of the Christian church. The Arian heresy, the countless early Christian sects with their wildly differing views on Scripture, the Council of Nicea deciding what was the 'official' doctrine of the early Church, then the copious ommissions of supposedly pseudoepigraphical texts from the official canon of Bible books (including the Gospels of Thomas, Nicodemus and Judas, although I'm assuming that last one to actually be authentic)- the whole thing seems to me like a complete and utter mess. To my mind, any religion rooted in such a system seems to be of dubious veracity.
Not trying to insult your own or indeed anyone else's beliefs, and apologize if this post sounds harsh or rude but to me this is the biggest roadlblocks to me (re)accepting Christian doctrine for myself.
I also apologize in advance if my language seems odd. English isn't my first language and I struggle sometimes to say what I'm trying to say.
I will however do some reading as you suggest. 
it's still what men did, not the idea of Christ or God
I'm more in line with the original Christian cult - the Gnossis, before there was an "authorised" Bible, before there were churches - they were more into the pursuit of knowlege - yes I believe in the Gnostic Gospels as well, those omitted by the Nicean Creed