Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA
This is a sweet picture, Dayvan. I never thought your hair looked like a puffball in the past.
What I *do* notice, though, is...hey! Where is your hat?!  You used to always have a hat on in your MB pics. Are you out of your hat phase?
lol, Sorry to disappoint, but the grey knit you see by my neck in the corner, is a grey wool hat
Originally Posted by holly984
I can't really see much of your haircut, but from what I can, it looks nice. Pretty picture. And I feel you, straightening my hair was always a pita. I've actually come to love my loose waves so much though, and rarely straighten my hair these days. Is your hair curly? wavy?
My hair is curly in the back and wavy in the front. I never brush the back so it's the curliest part of my hair. My hair also has the unfortunate tendency to have way too much volume, another thing I can't control.