Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
I never had any issues with Windows XP. My new build is going to use Windows 7 64bit, and I hear it's pretty stable.
It is. There's two things you should take in account
- Some software won't work with Windows 7. It's just too old. If you, like me, love Nero 6. Good luck. Nero 7 works though. It's not as good, but it works.
- Auto arrange cannot be turned off. Which is awful if you ask me. When you rename something, it automatically arranges your folder, forcing you to scroll back to the file you want to rename next. I am forced to use a batch renamer to rename quickly, as I can't just go F2, type name, press arrow, F2, type name, press arrow etc.
Oh yeah, I hate the new taskbar. It works a bit like the mac dock. It can be set to classic mode though and if you miss quick launch, there's a way to get that back, too.
Apart from that, it's fast and stable and the new search function (just type anything in the box you get when you press the windows key) is brilliant. Want notepad? Just press the windows key, type notepad, press enter, there it is. Want a particular file and know a part of the name? Just write 'letter to Stijn' and it will find it for you within seconds. Anything can be found and started by pressing the windows key and typing the name of the thing you want to find. It's really convenient.
What I also love is that when you grab a fullscreen window bar and drag , it it automatically stops being fullscreen. When you drag it back to the top of your screen, it will go fullscreen again. I thought this was rubbish at first but I miss it whenever I use an XP PC now

Originally Posted by MusicGeek83
I just bought an iMac about a month ago and I will never go back to a Window PC ever!