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Thread: PC or Mac?
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Old 03-30-2011, 12:44 PM   #27 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
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I never had any issues with Windows XP. My new build is going to use Windows 7 64bit, and I hear it's pretty stable. As far as being sluggish with certain programs, that usually comes down to the actual system's abilities. If you're doing a lot of rendering or what have you, you're going to want a multi-core processor and a lot of RAM. Intel's i7 quad core and 6 core line is probably a better investment for that sort of work, rather than placing importance on the OS only.
I do agree that Mac's OS is more streamlined for particular applications, but I think Windows 7, along with hardware that can handle processor-intensive applications, can be just as good of a solution as any. At the very least, I think the analysis of a computer's performance should be based on hardware first.
Unless we've done side by side comparisons, with the same speed/ability hardware on different operating systems, then we can't really be objective.
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