Originally Posted by s_k
I dunno. Big pic is big pic, right?  .
I don't think "big pic is big pic" is a very good measurement. For one thing, using these programs in a professional context most likely means that the program is launched and running more often and for longer spans of time. It also means that the user probably has more things open simultaneously, is working with more layers, dealing with higher-res images, larger and more complex files, etc., etc.. I think it's safe to say that basically
any tool, from a hammer to a piece of software, is going to get harder, heavier use from the person who uses it for their job than from the casual user.
Originally Posted by s_k
But err... If I'm using them and put little strain on them and even then the PC runs better, doesn't that say it all? 
Well, that's exactly my point. Having used numerous Macs and numerous Windows machines for work over the years, my experience has been that the Macs run better for what I use them for. Keep in mind here I'm not saying that Macs are better across the board or anything, I'm just saying that they work better for my purposes. I realize that my purposes are not the same as everyone else's.