I remember the stink bugs as a child...waiting till my buddies werent looking and tossing them onto them then smashing the bug while it was still on them so the odor was smeared onto their clothes. June bugs were like that too...wait then toss them at a friend...its incredible how loud the noise they make is if they fly anywhere close to your ear. Even today my buddies still act as if they were being attacked by a taradactyl or something. Especially if they are borderline passing out..heh
Originally Posted by Skaligojurah
Fuck you, bloozin! Your stupid thread too!
<DoctorSoft>: You know life is good when you take Viagra to jack off lol
Originally Posted by Il Duce
- Hendrix didn't even play the blues that well -
Amongst Mb's Most Hated (Smiley Face)