Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
I fucking HATE June bugs.
Why is it that out of all the flying creatures on this earth, they are the most inept at aerial navigation? Or do they just enjoy crashing into your head, or other body parts, or straight into walls? They generally seem like the most purposeless bug ever invented, to me. Dumb, inadequate, and if any any insect predators actually find themselves at the bottom of the barrel and feed on them, they're only doing so for a short period of time.
I don't get it. They're the most retarded of all bugs, in my book. I don't know how they survive as a species. Maybe it's because all the creatures in the world have standards.

you ****ing crack me up man...I forgot your from cajun country so you know all about it. Do you enjoy the hours of bug zapper entertainment as well? Yall have monster mosquitos I know...we use to make it a guessing game as to whoever could predict which bug was going to fry the longest upon his landing. The loser having to down a beer....good cheap fun.