Haha, this topic will probably be useless on this forum as on any other forum.
But here goes: I've tried both. I prefer PC. Macs run nice, but they cost a lot more and I don't see the upsides. Yes, less can go wrong, but that's only useful when you have problems with your PC. I don't. I think for my parents a mac would be a bliss, they really can't handle computers that don't think for themselves.
Some reasons why I dislike mac
1. I don't like the company. They tell you to expand your memory with apple memory for which they ask literally 6 times as much as regular memory, and it's just the same with an apple logo on it. Stuff like that. They seem to use peoples ignorance to make an awful lot of profit. They ignore the (Dutch or EU, not sure) rule that says that you should be given a two year warranty on any electronic device but they are willing to sell you an extra year of warranty at an incredibly high price. I also don't like the hype around macs. They are just computers with mainboards, hard drives, memory... Yes they have a nice design, but they're still just computers.
2. No taskbar. I cannot live without a taskbar. I can't get used to it.
3. The Price. It doesn't do anything a PC cannot do and it costs at least two times what a PC costs. Yes I do audio, video and photo editing but I don't think a Mac does this better than a PC. It did in the 80's and nineties, but now? I don't see it.
4. Gaming. Yes you can play games on a mac, but only a small portion of the amount of games you can play on a PC
5. Design over practicality. I don't like that. The Magic Mouse is awful (it's too flat, it's got sharp edges and it scrolls way too fast) and these flat keyboards are amongst the worst I've ever typed on.
I do have a 'thing' for the way the apple computers and the OS looks and yes it has some good sides, especially for people who just start working with
computers. But to me they're a tad unpractical and most of al, you pay for something I don't really see.
I'm founding this on a lot of personal Experience. I still have two iMacs, an Apple II, an eMac 1ghz and I've sold my G5's as I didn't use them much. But I definitely did give it a good try before I came to this conclusion.
So: PC for me. And Windows.
That's another thing, people are always bitching about Windows.
I've done Android (which is nice), I've done loads of linux distro's (some of them are really good considering the price!). I've run into some fun stuff, but in the end I haven't found an OS that works better than Windows. Yes there has been some awful windows editions. Like 98FE, ME and Vista. But XP runs brilliantly, so does 7. And 2000 is still incredibly usable on 10 to 15 year old computers. Try mac OS 8.6 for comparison... It's like windows 3.11 already.
Oh, edit: To all those people who have had problems with PC's and all their problems have vanished since they have a mac: Congratulations, you made the right choice. But a PC can run properly. It's user error most of the time. Or you've bought an Acer or a Packard Bell. But that's another discussion

Edit 2: I couldn't live with MacOS. I would go bezerk. If I had to ditch Windows, I'd go for a Linux distro.