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Thread: Lil B
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Old 03-28-2011, 03:37 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by EvilChuck View Post

Honestly, if any of those songs were released by Mos Def/Lupe Fiasco/Nas or whoever else, everyone would be claiming them as great songs for the ages. 9th Wonder said on Twitter when all the 'real hip hop heads' were moaning about him working with Lil B, that he isnt lyrical and whatever, he said 'I dont care how lyrical you are, if you cant deliver well then whats the point' (or something along those lines). It seems that some fans cant see what he is doing, but alot of other rappers can. He's got Tyler, The Creator repping him, he's got Wiz Khalifa repping him, he's got guys giving him their girlfriends!
Such a crock of shit. If Nas or Mos Def put this garbage out, all of their fans would be pissed and the non-fans and casual listeners wouldn't even bother giving it a second listen. Tyler reps a lot of people and Wiz is starting to rival Wayne for most over rated rapper on the planet. For me there's generally two types of rap. Stuff that's lyrical and stuff that's party music. And Lil B isn't either. He's just random and terrible lyrics with no creativity with rhyme schemes and no flow at all.

Like there's guys who make party raps I like. That's their style, it's something I can get behind even though I don't think it's even close to the talent level of someone like Nas or Mos Def or Big L or something like that. Funny punchlines with sexual undertones over a party beat is all it really is and I can party and drink to that. I don't wanna go to a party and hear Illmatic. But Lil B just does nothing for me. Tatted up black guy with swag. Hmm where have I seen this before?? There's just zero quality to anything he has done that I can enjoy and it's like everyone else is trying to search for something so they can like him. Oh man, he's so dedicated! He's so gay and funny!!! Like there's never been another rapper that has ever been funny or has ever been dedicated. It's just another wannabe rapper with no talent who is now making it big because of the retards of places like 4chan and the rest of the world who wants to be able to jerk off their own ego once lil b gets bigger and they can tell all their friends "oh man i knew of based god so long ago! I'm so cool!"
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