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Old 03-27-2011, 03:04 AM   #10 (permalink)
Howard the Duck
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Originally Posted by GeddyBass2112 View Post
Yeah, I'm only really familar with the most basic aspects of Islam and even then my knowledge is patchy.

Also, quick question: I was always taught that music was banned in Islam? With the exception of singing, I've always been taught that any form of music is haraam or forbidden under Islam. yet I've also come across various orchestras and music groups in Islamic countries (the Palestinian Children's Orchestra is one that comes to mind).

And yeah, I was raised until the age of 5 or so speaking French. But cheers!

Methinks I'm gonna read the Qur'an again...
only fundie Muslims ban music - in Malaysia, there's Islamic praise music, you know - (nasyid) and the most popular singers are usually Malays/Muslims
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