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Old 03-26-2011, 04:53 PM   #83 (permalink)
Music Addict
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I don't think so. I'm from Turkey, there's a very rich musical culture there. Like 1000 years worth of folk songs, and it's been an Islamic culture as long as that.

Hell, the guitar was invented by Muslims.

I think it has something more to do with the topic of the music. Because I know it's not what you mean but the prayer call and the reading of the Qu'ran itself in Arabic is arguably music.

Only an extremist hardliner would say music is wrong or "Haram" altogether; the general rule I'm aware of is openly singing about sexual things or encouraging drug use etc. promoting anything which goes against the 5 pillars etc. is widely considered Haram. From one point of view, you could say bad music is Haram, although that's definitly subjective and I am talking about the Islamic point of view specifically.

But I don't give a crap I'm hardly a hardliner, I smoke weed, drink. Islam is in my heart but I go about it my own way. In my view, poorly played music is Haram, an insult to God's ears.

(there is a difference to learning and playing bad in my book though - it's do with level of effort/intention imo, you've gota put your soul into it. Nothing wrong with learning, it's progressive. Everyone plays shoddy at first, but it's the point of always trying to get better, not saying "this crap will suffice" compromise is whats bad imo)

Last edited by crukster; 03-26-2011 at 05:09 PM.
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