Yes I am a Van Damme fanboy but I have always got the impression that he is a flawed character having battled various addictions in his life and being diagnosed with bipolar.
He could come across as a total douche in this series (I hate reality T.V on the whole but had to watch this) but instead he seems a very genuine guy with many personal issues who is not afraid to admit to them.
He also owns a dog sanctuary in his homeland which wasn't forced down your throat as a mere publicity stunt.
Mrs Brown's Boys.
This Irish comedy has been running a while in it's native country and has recently made it's way over here and it's a decent giggle.
A man dressed as a matriarchal grandmother who constantly swears and spews classic one liners is a winner in my book. All shot on a live stage it also has a subversive edge too. Sounds crap? Well watch this: