^ Woody Allen's latest offering. It was really quite good, and certainly miles better than a lot else that he's written and directed this last 15-20 years. I went into this with pretty low expectations, especially as I hated Whatever Works so much it actually made me pretty angry. So much so that I actually thought about giving this a miss, but then I thought 'hey Anthony Hopkins, what're you doing here?! Maybe this won't be so bad after all'. The ending was disappointingly abrupt (but then again you can turn that around and say that it makes the thing leave a more lasting impression), but otherwise this got everything Whatever Works got wrong, y'know, right. Good performances all-round, characters aren't crowbarred into proceedings without actually deserving a place in the narrative, it doesn't take the pompous atheist philosophical standpoint that Whatever Works did, and it's just a much more interesting story overall.
I never thought I'd find myself saying this about a week ago, but I'm actually looking forward to Midnight In Paris now...