Originally Posted by duga
I'll throw a few updates out there:
mojopinuk - One of the most level headed members here. If every member was like you we would all be having nothing but awesome conversations about music and no one would get pissed at each other. I feel like I would really like you in real life.
Thank you, good sir. We would still be arguing but hopefully not as much. I do prefer to try to stop such behaviour, mainly because it's unnecessary arguments, flaming and trolling in such high volumes that put me off messageboards like this forever. However I'm sure I partake or help fuel arguments on occasion too.
As I've said before, you are one of our key members here. Frequent poster, likes to get involved and contribute, and with little or no ego. Thats why I wanted you as a mod, and luckily everyone else agreed.
I should do an updated list here, I guess.