A number of my friends have commented on that fact that they've seen me walking around the city singing or talking to myself :P
As for women taking themselves to seriously... I think it's society in general, more than women, but that the female half of society are more sensitive to it than men are (in general).. Actually, make that the Feminine side of society. There is a modern obsession with image and conformity, to the extent that even the "rebellion" groups of teenagers all wear the same clothes and listen to the same music! Those who are actually different tend to be shunned as odd in many places.
Luckily, the area I grew up in is so full of insane people that people accept it as normal for people to be a little off the wall, and I think there is more of that in the world than people realise. I get the feeling sometimes that we're all pretending to be something else in a bid to conform, not knowing that we're all the same anyway behind the masks we put on every day... Hmm, there's a poem in there to be written.
To address some of your points directly:
If I acted the way I did around my parents and my friends I'd never get a boyfriend. That could indeed be my insecurities
That's definitely your insecurities speaking. Sure, you might not attract every guy in the world, and you might have some think you're weird or whatever, but you have so much of a better chance of finding a guy who'll actually appreciate you for being crazy you if you let yourself be yourself. And hey, maybe in dropping your own mask you'll find that the people around you are hiding parts of themselves as well.
But in general I wanted to say, I have often embarrassed friends in the past for not being afraid of looking or speaking stupidly in public. I love doing ridiculous things to make strangers smile like for example I went through the centre of my old town once in car making a skeleton head talk to people walking around on the streets. My friends were mortified.
That's fantastic

I'd love to spend a day wandering around doing stuff like that, it makes people smile, it's different, and it's fun. If your friends were actually mortified, they need to loosen up a bit!
Guys: do you find women ashamed of being who they really want to be?
Personally? No, but I'm in love with a girl I met on an Online game and most of the girls I know study Maths/Theoretical Physics, so I doubt they really fit the norm... I think there is often a reluctance to stand out, a little nervousness to be oneself, but for the most part, people are who they are here, at least in my generation. Those who try to pretend to be something else are usually noticed quite quickly and pitied more than anything.
I love it when people are true to themselves, and I know I am incredibly lucky yo be surrounded by people who feel the same way. But at the same time, I doubt that the only two places in the world where this is the case is a small group of acquaintences in Sheffield and the Maths Society in Trinity College Dublin. I think that a lot of the world
is obsessed with image, but that in every society, there is still a group of people, even if a minority, who are intent on enjoying being everything they are. it's just a matter of finding them