Originally Posted by s_k
That's actually great when it's a left hand drive car.
You can just keep your arm out of the windows while you indicate  .
Eitherway, it's a Hyundai, it's Korean. What did you expect?
I should admit that I didn't think the Hyundai Lantra isn't too bad to drive.
But it's so uninspired...
No if it's a right hand drive you can do that
Originally Posted by Il Duce
i've never driven a Korean car
anyway they drive on the wrong side of the road and never design specifically their cars for the correct lanes of the country they import the cars into
that's not too much of a problem since we drive on the left and the steering wheel is on the correct side for us, its the interior and the electrics. Plus have you ever been 6ft and had to sit in the backseat? your head literally touches the roof if you sit back and your head is forced forward, or you have to slouch forward. :@