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Old 03-19-2011, 08:02 PM   #3306 (permalink)
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When you say that I would get more cred from an English person for a team other than the big 4, that's the sort of thing I'm looking for I guess. I obviously don't want a team that loses all the time but I also don't want to support a team just because they win a lot. So something in the middle.

With American football, I have my favorite team because that's just the team my family supported so I was sort of born into it. But when watching other games I'm more likely to support a team that doesn't play dirty, hasn't won a ton of Superbowls in recent years, and is just, in general, a more respectable team. So, if I have any criteria for picking an English football team, that's it.

I just think it's more fun to watch the games when I have a team to support so, that's the whole reason I'm trying to decide on a team.
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