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Old 03-19-2011, 06:47 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Musicbanter iOS App

I've been throwing around the idea of creating a Musicbanter iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad native application (with the permission and authorization of the site's owners and operators of course). Maybe something that notifies you when your subscribed threads have been updated, allows you to quick reply to them, gives you acces to PM's and who's online.

Curious, is anyone here a member of the Apple Developer Program? It's a $99 subscription fee, that I'm not all that thrilled about having to pay.

I'm comfortable with creating a functioning GUI, and somewhat confident that I could do the coding (using Objective-C, Xcode & iOS SDK). And maybe some of the other technically inclined member on here could help as well.

(Now don't hold me to this guys, it's just an idea)

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