Originally Posted by cubeofcreation
ok guys, this is gonna be my first and last post on this forum. I have a few things to say, mostly stuff that i think is funny because of it's stupidity.
1) Punk is a lifestyle, all you people get caught up in the music. Sure some of the music is good, but for the most part it sucks, honestly. Being a punk isn't about going to parties and listening to dumb music and dancing around and dressing silly. Being a punk is about destroying the system, messing with cops, causing disturbance, VANDALISM! How many of you can honestly say that you hate the system. If you really hate it so much why don't you show it. Sure you can say: "i hate the government, they suck", but as the age old saying goes, ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.
2) Have any of you guys ever noticed that the way you dress is ridiculous and quite conformist. You wear generic tee-shirts of your favorite bands' names and logos, you have tight pants with patches of your favorite bands' names and logos sewn all over them, and you all have some crazy hairstyle. All of you think that these things make you stand out. Well guess what, THEY DON'T!!! The way punks dress has become a sort of uniform, to show "I am a punk". Why does it matter to you if the world knows you're a punk? oh ya, I forgot, because to you it's a trend.
3) Punk has become so generic and systemized, that to be a "punk" you have to fit a standard mold. I consider myself a punk, and I listen to every kind of music, dress however I want, and do whatever I want, and police be damned.
4)The most important thing of all: YOU CONFORM TO REBELLION!!
That's right all you "anarchists" out there, you think your so rebellious, because you say you hate the government, and say you want to tear it all down, but how many of you are saying this? Thousands, maybe millions, aren't you creating a system yourselves? Aren't you all just conforming to non-conformism. That's right, its an oxymoron, your whole "anarchist" lifestyle is an oxymoron. Overall, anarchy is an illogical concept, unless you manage to break away and live outside the system, isolated, not living off anything the goventment provides. Mountain men are real anarchists, not you "punks".
a few last words: It's quite hilarious that a forum on punk doesn't allow cursing. Also, please don't rain down on me with useless cliches and quotes from SLC Punk! that you claim are your own. (I'm sure we've all seen that movie, and most of you missed the point.) Please only post here if you have something of value to say. Screaming and yelling will not solve your problems. As I've said before, I am not posting anything else, but I thought this might shed some light on your lifestyles, and open up a brand new topic for all you "punks" to think about. That's it, I'm out.