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Old 03-17-2011, 09:26 PM   #638 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Missouri, USA
Posts: 4,814

Self-pretentious douch whose overly-religious, homophobic ramblings could single-handedly kill the spirits all those he comes in contact with.

I do apologize for my behavior during my previous tenures on here. I was young, dumb, and overly zealous. Time has caught up with me, and brought a little more wisdom. Gone are the days of crazy right-wing christainity. I'm married now with a child. I've learned to be more open-minded and to respect others opinions. I don't know too many of you (or maybe I do and just don't recognize the new usernames), or else this would make for a better post.

Right-Track/ RT/ David
Very intelligent and level-headed. Always respectful. Quite the model citizen here on MB.

Ethan / Crowquill/ Sleepyjack / MisfitPunk
Large knowledge base of obscure music. Very emotionally attached to his opinions. A good friend on his good days, and a sharp-tongued fiend on his worst. Still the guy I probably get along with the best on here.

Murder Junkie / MJ
Cool as f*ck. Great porn collection. The only guy I know that has a pierced penis. Bravo.

Urban Hatemonger / Richard
I'm not too sure that he's real, and not just a british IBM computer set loose on the internet to kill the hopes of others. He's most likely smarter than the rest of us combined. His music collection could put iTunes to shame.
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