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Old 06-07-2004, 05:12 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Posts: 51

Originally Posted by jibber
^ nice points, good job. Everyone likes to feel that they belong o a certain group of people with whom they share a common interest, or goal, etc. That's why you hang aroudnw ith the people you do, you must have something in common, otherwise you wouldn't be friends. Some people feel the need to latch on to a certain distinct group for whatever reason. what's wrong with that? it doesn't make them a bad person, or a weaker person, they just have a different way of interacting with the rest of the world.
Yeah exactly. It confuses me when people start talking about cultures and lifestyles as if they are like sheep.

What really winds me up though, are people who consider the way they dress, the music they listen to, etc, "respectable" and "normal". They don't seem to understand that they are a member of a culture and lifestyle just like I am, to them it's more like normal people and strange people.

I get asked things like "You're a very pretty girl but why do you have that awful lip piercing?" all the time from these people. My answer is always "because I like it". Then they start to suspect me of trying to "fit in" and "be like everyone else".

It truely baffles me.
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