allright. I have some questions for the girls here.
Or actually, my ex has these questions and asked me to ask them to my female friends as she hasn't got the guts. I might as well ask it here.
So, if my ex had nothing else to do, she would prefer to have sex about three times a day.
She has sex about one time a day when her boyfriend is over.
She wonders how many sex other girls would want to have a day/week/whatever, if there was no reason not to have sex (so don't include school, work, spare time in your answer).
She also wonders how often you actually do end up having sex.
And then she wonders how many of you lay on the couch or bed together just to cuddle, with no other reason than cuddling (it doesn't matter if this leads to sex, it just shouldn't be the initial idea).
I asked this to a friend of mine when I was at her place last monday and it turned out she'd have sex all day and is always ready to go. Unless she's on the pill. Then she'll only have sex ''about two times a day''. Came as a surprise for me. She never talks about sex. Ah well, it's nice to know