Originally Posted by HeartAgain
I'm trying to learn to compose music and write lyrics, but I'm unable to even find out where to start with the whole endeavor, because I missed out completely on music in school. I want to learn to sing and write lyrics.
So, I need some really basic information on music. I don't know how to read it or how to write notes or how to play music at all. All I know how to do is sing and write poetry. And I'm not even very good at those things yet.
If you have any suggestions on where and how to start out learning music as an adult, please make them.
I kept this post short, but you can ask me anything you need to know or anything you'd like to know and I'll answer today.
Go get an ACOUSTIC guitar. You don't have to spend more than $150.00. (Starting on an Acoustic guitar will train your ear and make transition to electric easier and is best for songwriting. Kurt Cobain, Jimmy Page, pretty much anyone who's written great songs, writes them on an acoustic guitar first) Then go home. Type in Guitar Tabs + song you want to learn. Start with a basic song. Polly by Nirvana might be a good place to start

Start playing. And practice. When you learn the basic Cowboy chords, E, Em, A, Am, G, C, D, B, Fmajor, and some Barre Chords, then you'll be on your way. Go To Youtube. Watch beginner and instruction vids. Youtube is GREAT for learning songs. There are nice folks who will show you exactly what to do to play a particular song!