I have seen them all before but going back through each season ATM as I have the boxset of all 5 seasons. Brilliant as ever.

Seen the first 3 seasons on cable and then it was pulled on cable due to a dispute with sky (this was a few years back) and by the time it was back on it was into season 5 so I obviously couldn't just dip back into at this time.
Over the past few months I have managed to buy the first five seasons and started S4 tonight with 4 episodes after piledriving my way through the first 3 seasons.
The most confusing season thus far but still utterly watchable although I do have a question to ask since the very first season.
If you were stranded somewhere how could you deduce that it is an island if you barely explore the place and only discover places when the plot needs it? Surely if you were stranded on a beach, a few of you would venture inland to see exactly where they were?
No one had actually reached the other side of the island to support the theory that it is an island and not a land mass.