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Old 03-11-2011, 07:01 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ben Butler View Post
Oh, and he's been racist towards the Mexicans when he said they had no sense of humour.

Some people will find it entertaining and others won't. He isn't a comedian, he's a TV Presenter for the BBC, a journalist, a writer. The guy has responsibilities and he knows exactly what he's saying when he does it!
He's not being racist when he makes jokes like that. Besides, he pokes fun at everyone, even the Britts every once in a while. BBC producers wouldn't allow any of their TV personalities to actually be racist. How do you explain the show being so popular then? If he was seriously being racist the show wouldn't have lasted. This show is entertainment.

But you have your opinion and I have mine respectively. To me your logic doesn't make sense in the slightest but thats ok. You're allowed to think whatever the hell you want. I'll just keep enjoying the politically racist show about cars.
Stand in the closet and scream with me
A mind that's like a fire
Driven by the pain

Better believe it.
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