Originally Posted by James
I will be getting drunk for the first time in a couple of weeks. I know how ridiculous it is that I have been high but not drunk. Kinda excited.
I don't think that's too ridiculous. I had smoked weed waay before I ever had any alcohol. In my experience it's a lot easier to get weed than alcohol in high school. Then again, weed was really popular at my high school so it may have just been my location.
Originally Posted by PurpleWolf
Whats the best way to take weed guys?
I have a couple small packets here, how would I go about making this a good time?
The best as far as health goes is to use a vaporizer but obviously this isn't very common. You should look up how to make a gravity bong, they're pretty easy to make but really effective and they conserve a lot of weed. I think either that or a blunt is my favorite way. And once you're high, just chill, listen to some music, watch something funny, or just mess around with your friends.