Originally Posted by James
I will be getting drunk for the first time in a couple of weeks. I know how ridiculous it is that I have been high but not drunk. Kinda excited.
Be prepared to vomit. First time getting drunk, you probably won't know what you are doing. Like how to pace yourself and how much to drink. Lol, reminds me of the first time I drank sometime in high school. I just poured a small cup full of liquor and started drinking it and i was watching some people play ping pong and everything just started slowing down and becoming blurry. All 8 people who were drinking that night ended up throwing up in the bathroom lol. Any idea what you're drinkin james, liquor or beer? I strongly suggest beer but it seems like everyone always goes for liquor. Well, whatever happens don't be discouraged about drinking because booze is a great thing.