Hi everyone.
I think you're all wonderful marvelous and incomprehensible individuals, and I believe the way I relate to the ideas I extract from your posts has little to do with who or what you are, which perhaps is absolute nothingness. I feel good when you give me attention and I feel down when I get called pretentious or a di
ck, but as time goes by the highs and lows approach a base-line not of indifference but of a gentle and quiet happiness. After all, what are you really giving attention to? What are you really responding to? Hell if I know.
Once I could judge you based on how your music taste related to mine, but I'm finding my taste to be more and more arbitrary and less of a concern, so I've lost track of all that. Then for a while it was based on philosophical ideas, and where you were coming from in that respect. I'm still carrying around some of that baggage, but it's also become much less important. Then there's how you present yourself, the amount of respect and affection you bring into a thread, but that's a little hard to judge online, and it's always twisted with irony and sarcasm and whatnot, hard to really get attached to. That said, I'll throw out some arbitrary perceptions I've had in my time here of those who I can remember right now having grabbed my attention.
I always liked Molecules because he seemed really relaxed and confident, moving between absurdity and sincerity like it ain't no thing. Jackhammer always struck me as being the emblem of common sense, one of those people it seemed I was always finding myself next to but speaking a different language and never really having anything to say to. I felt Boo boo in a boo boo kind of way, but it seemed all too often I was trying to convince him of something, so it's only fair he reacted to me as he did.
When I first joined the forum, Right-Track and Urban seemed like the big kids on the playground, and I've never quite lost that perception. I always wanted to catch Urban's attention with my musical tastes but after a while it seemed that I had slipped under his radar completely so I tried to stop caring and eventually did. As for R-T, I always admired him though like with JH I felt I never really had anything to say to him, different areas of interest and all.
I consider Tore and Neopolitan my debating buddies from the uber-philosophical era, I always appreciated Neopolitan even though I didn't quite know what to make of him, and I appreciated Tore as well though I always felt that he didn't quite get it, and if I could just give him a tiny push he would see where I was coming from... but where the hell was I coming from? I just took him for the face of science, I guess, and science just felt a little boring and plain compared to ecstatic realizations of timelessness and the limitlessness of existential possibilities.
A bunch of you blend together, I'm sad to say, I tended to categorize people who posted about getting shwasted or hot chicks as frat types and people who posted a lot of ironic comments as hipsters-in-denial. Totally unfair but so it goes.
SATCHMO and Mr. Dave always felt like spiritual brothers, which is to say, when we got into the "deep" sh
it everything we were saying just felt kind of redundant and it felt like I was talking to myself. But hey, I love talking to myself. SATCHMO is the patient, respectful side and Mr. Dave is... the other side :P Love you both.
Ethan for some reason always felt like the most personal member on the board, probably because people called him by his first name. I always felt a pressure to connect with him, but I don't think I ever really did. Still, I listened to your music, and that's something, right? Sharing music is sharing the soul, and I think that's my favorite aspect of this site.
Which leads me to Catie and Lateralus, who have shared their music with me, and both seem like very nice and sensible people. Kudos.
Big3 and Adidasss... I think I can say most about how I perceive y'all by how I bunch you together. Another yin and yang pair to me. I loved Adidasss, didn't really agree on anything musical but the rest of the time I felt like we could flow pretty well. With Big3 it felt like we were always avoiding a head-on collision that was probably never going to happen anyway.
Wayfarer is the man, and so is JayJamJah. Oh yeah, and Seltzer.
... and Merkaba.
LuciferSam deserves a shout-out, though I don't quite remember where he was ever coming from or what he was like. I just remember being aware of him.
Damn you, Sarah Wesley. WTF kind of name is that anyway? You always seemed to see right through me, but I think we have a lot in common. I really have no idea who you are these days, and I have no interest in judging you. Hope things are going well.
Captain Caveman and Murder Junkie were nice in that kind of abrasive way.
Oh sh
it, hiu. Good times.
I feel like I should have something to say about Piss Me Off but I don't. No negative feelings associated with the label, for sure.
I always confused sweet-nothing and loose-lips, but I liked 'em both. They struck me as twins.
Janszoon and dj chameleon arrived in the time when I was already losing interest in the site, but I think they're good members.
ProggyMan is very young

See you on the other side, buddy
OH! Vegangelica. My fav, sorry everybody.
I'm sure I'm forgetting people and stuff, but I think this post is long enough. I love you all and I hope you appreciate the shout-out and eventually attain enlightenment and help me attain it too so we can be free of all the ego-nonsense here there and everywhere.
Oh, and RezZ! Good fellow!