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Thread: Skrewdriver
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Old 03-06-2011, 06:55 PM   #4 (permalink)
Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra
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Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
So, what do Skrewdriver sound like?
"Kill Da ******s" "Kill da jews"...

Seriously, though, what most Nazi bands sound like, bad punk. Problem is, these bands are obviously agenda first, and music second. I've never heard an openly Nazi band that was anything apart from sloppy punk. I've heard tons of excellent bands utilize racist, and fascist lyrics for tongue-in-check value(ala Stormtroopers of Death. Obviously not Nazi with Scott Ian being a Jew, and in the very obviously openly liberal Anthrax), but never have I heard a Nazi band that was anything apart from sloppy punk as a ploy to spout racist nonsense.

I believe in freedom of speech. If a Nazi band is a legit good band, they do deserve credit for it just as any non-racist band of equal quality. Just doesn't seem to happen though.
Terence Hill, as recently confirmed during an interview to an Italian TV talk-show, was offered the role but rejected it because he considered it "too violent". Dustin Hoffman and John Travolta declined the role for the same reason. When Al Pacino was considered for the role of John Rambo, he turned it down when his request that Rambo be more of a madman was rejected.
Al Pacino = God
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