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Old 03-06-2011, 09:47 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Netnographic research on Music (Musicbanter) findings! Part 2

The Endless Music debate
Through analysis of the MB forum many different discussions take place, band versus band, album reviews, members favourite genres, instruments, gigs etc. the list is quite possibly endless as music is discussed and dissected by MBs’ many active, insightful and sometimes witty members. An Observation drawn from involvement with this forum for the purpose of this research paper is the community’s self-reflection and concern at the state of commercialised music and its development. Like any conscious community, that has seen itself grow overtime, gone through many in vogue styles and has a wealth of history, Music and the general population of associated members of the community as a whole, self-analyse and ponder the future existence of their community. This can be seen in various other forums, websites and blogs. In this respect, through observation and interaction, MB is no different and concerns itself with the general well-being of the larger music community and its future. This motivated the posting of one particular thread for the purpose of research in which this distilled vast question was frankly asked to MB and its members in the ‘General Music’ section of the forum, ‘What is the future of music?’. The Thread took some time to gain momentum, but is a noteworthy example of the intellect and passion this community feel for the well-fare of Music as an art and culturally in a greater societal perspective. The quotations below are from members of MB that contributed to this thread, the quotes are samples and do not follow the conversation linearly.
One participant (Skaligojurah) says:
“In all fairness, if you examine the melodies that made jazz, and classical than compare them to the melodies that make rock, hip-hop, and pop... You'll realize there isn't much evolution going on in music…… As technology grows there's so much potential in growth of a musicians capabilities. This was a very VERY strong ideal in the 1800s, and early 1900s. However, somewhere down the line people started realizing the more advanced technology got, the easier music was to create.”
Another participant (Conan) rebuts “…….the answer is there are things going on behind the scenes with people you and me have never heard of that will have lasting impacts on future generations.”

(Dotoar) suggests : “…..Just the same, every - and I dare you to find an exception - popular mainstream musical genre has evolved from an at one time or another underground movement in which bands and artists has dwelled upon their own vision and maybe even the acknowledgement from the closest inner circle.”
(Clutnuckle) Offers “Especially with the way the world powers are going to shape up in 30-40 years. Freedom of expression is going to decrease, if anything. Music will likely, over time, become a form of sedation rather than expression.”
(Urban Hatemonger) contributes “Who says it's just going to be governments that do it?......At the moment there are only 4 record companies that control about 99% of what you hear on radio & tv…...What happens when they become 3, or 2. Or even 1 owned by a Rupert Murdoch type figure?”
The above examples of postings by members that contributed to the thread, arguably show a membership and community that is conscious and bears the ability for adult and frank discussion. Through observation of these and the many other contributions to this particular thread it can be derived that the MB community is in general a mature, open-minded and respectful forum for frank discussion and engagement. It has the capacity to tolerate conflicting views while each member expresses their opinion. The MB music community as a whole is perceived to be self-aware and has the maturity for self-critiquing.

Overall Findings
This research paper set out to analyse and explore music and the role it appears to play in people’s lives as seen through the window of on an on-line music forum. The resulting findings of the overall research conducted highlight the sheer experiential enjoyment and emotional journey that music can take on individual on. For some, it is a pass-time for many it is the spice of life and is used to manage their emotions, enhance feelings and gives purpose to their lives. Music cannot be underestimated in the significance it has played in the development of humans and culture, the internal involuntary emotional reaction we may have when we hear even a single sad or joyous note played seems fundamentally engrained in us as humans and our genetic make-up. Some of the earliest evidence has shown that music once filled a certain cave in South-western Germany over 35,000 years ago during the Stone-Age with the uncovering of a simple bone flute. Early homo-sapiens would have gathered together in these caves for warmth and safety, bringing the emergence of culture in tandem with the development of music.(Wilford, 2009) Music is so finely woven into the tapestry of human cultural and societal development; it is no wonder that it can have such a primal and instinctual affect on us emotionally. Some 35,000 years on, society is more complex, less communal and technology is in over-drive. Music styles and genres continue to change and morph as we as humans develop, but it is clear that is an ever present art form which holds immense importance to us historically and into the future.
The paper and the many contributions from the Musicbanter community show how music is being played out and discussed in the 21st century. In an age where we as individuals are less communal and interpersonal due to technological and cultural developments, online music forums just like ‘Musicbanter’ are using technology to actually bring together a previously unfeasible community. The forum allows members to nourish and express their interest in this art form. Music is now being enjoyed, discussed, shared and consumed by active members participating in the global conversation and development of music in an entirely new way. The long term implications of which and benefits or threats to music and culture, remain a source for much heated debate.

Thank you.
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