Originally Posted by holly984
-i love photography
-i'm a Firefox girl
-i have a considerable aversion to reality tv
-i almost cry every time I see that damn ASPCA commercial
-i love humor, wit
-i love the smell when it rains (depending the locale I suppose. ha ha)
You I like.
I should admit that I refuse looking at those ASPCA commercials any longer.
I just can't take them.
Eitherway, you're here for music obviously (altough I love the fact that you're into photography, yay! You're not the only one here, fortunately

As far as music goes we share...Coldplay (well, up till Viva la vida at least), Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Eagles, Jack Johnson, Muse, Radiohead, Paolo Nutini, Train, The White Stripes.
So you're welcome I guess