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Thread: The Bitch Box
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Old 03-02-2011, 03:56 PM   #7781 (permalink)
Thom Yorke
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Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
I also get really annoyed in classes when people around me talk or are loud. These frat bros sit behind me in English Literature and everyday they laugh and talk so damn loud and you can tell everyone gets kinda annoyed but the professor is real laid back and usually just looks back at them but never says anything.
I never understood why you would come to class if that's what you're going to do. Just skip. One of my professors said he once caught a student watching The Godfather II in one of his classes, which I'm sure would have been really distracting for anyone else around. Just watch it at home. Maybe hook it up to some speakers instead of watching it hunched over a laptop with headphones on and annoying the hell out of everyone else around you. Jesus.
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