02-28-2011, 10:09 PM
#7773 (permalink)
( ̄ー ̄)
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 3,270
Originally Posted by Dirty
Couple random things I wanna bitch about
-That guy in class who always raises his hand and everyone in the class is thinking "oh shit here we go again." Even the professor hesitates to call on him, but it'd be too awkward to let him sit in the front of the room with his hand up. In one of my sociology courses there's this kid who always raises his hand to participate in our daily class discussions on readings, but almost every time he starts rambling off topic and not really forming much of a thought that relates to what we are talking about. He's got this really think lisp and says "like" a ridiculous amount. He wastes so much of our time just talking before thinking.
OMG yes