Originally Posted by djchameleon
Okay I feel like venting again.
Why do people feel like they can disrespect people in the military and veterans. They feel like just because they decided to join the military that it's a waste of the persons life/ 4 years and they don't learn or accomplish anything in life during that period of time.
You know what!? Fuck you and your classist ass for thinking that way. We join the military and are risking our fucking lives for rights that you take for granted on a daily basis and you feel like it's okay to be fucking disrespectful? I hope a rat crawls up your stuck up ass and dies in there.
Nice rant. But personally I couldn't give less of a sh*t about people not paying us respect. I joined the U.S. Army right when the Iraq war popped off, spent 6 years overseas, 2 of which were in a combat zone, Baghdad included, was in life threatening situations, and you know what? I'm currently reaping the benefits via those taxpayers' dollars. They can disrespect all they want. I still got 2 years of tax free income, combat pay, thousands in savings, free food for 6 entire years, free housing for 6 entire years, and now that I'm out, I'm getting free college and free money just to live while I'm in school. There's so much free sh
it that I don't even need a job and I have my own apartment, not to mention free health care and discounts on stuff.
Call me whatever the hell you want. I didn't help defend America for America. I did it for me. And I guaran-fu
cking-tee you that a few ungrateful d
icks aren't going to spoil that for me. I'm the one coming out ahead.