Okay, I used to love this one, you answer each question with a song title. You have to use the same band throughout the whole survey though. I'll do Big Black.
Describe Yourself: Tiny, King of the Jews
Describe Your Ex Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Seth
Describe Current Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Spouse: He's a Whore
Describe Where You Want to Be: Live in a Hole
Describe How You Live: The Power of Independent Trucking
Describe How You Love: Passing Complexion
What Would You Ask For If You Had Just One Wish?: Big Money
Share a Few Words of Wisdom: I Can Be Killed
If You Could Say Something To The Person You Love, What Would It Be: Jump the Climb
What Do You Think Of Drugs & Alcohol?: Precious Thing
If You Could Say One Thing To Your Enemy, What Would It Be?: I'm a Mess
How Do You Feel Right Now?: Deep Six
How Do You Feel About Life In General?: Racer X
How Do You Feel About Your Past?: Jordan, Minnesota
How Do You Feel About Your Future?: Live in a Hole
Any Final Words?: Ugly American
I ran out of ones that made sense like halfway through. Oh well.