I rated the album as a very good. I love it's uniqueness and the way the album expresses itself. It feels so insane sometimes. It's like they've taken some of those sinister and uncomfortable aesthetics experimented with by bands like Amon Düül (f.ex on Psychedelic Underground, 1969) or Cro Magnon (On Orgasm, 1968) and done that in a folky way which actually works and makes it an enjoyable experience to listen to.
I don't think it's quite brilliant, but that's not so much because it's not well done but basically because I tend to favour slightly different qualities, feelings and themes in music than what this album conveys, but .. If I ever make a movie in which a group of people with animal masks dance madly around a bonfire at night, I'll definetly put Drip Drip in the soundtrack.