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Old 06-06-2004, 06:53 PM   #30 (permalink)
David Frost
Music Addict
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 872

wow, well i didnt think this would cause such an uproar and get everyones panties in a twist. and for the record i have tried to endure from autumn to ashes for about 3 or 4 years. Their first demo cd i actually enjoyed. then the next stuff they released was eh.. and not as good as they could be. then the first full length cd came out, the stuff that most of you probably first from them. take her to the music store i believe it is called. i actually bought it, it was sub par with predictable time changes and break downs. the music sounded like it could have been written in a day. tremelo picking-->breakdown-->strumming-->another chuggy breakdown--> a rockstar singing part---> then a breakdown. and after that i still didnt say anything about them. that was untill hellfest when they played to a bunch of little girls and acted like they were the hottest **** in the world. That was when they started getting to me, then they released that joke of a cd and started with these music videos and ****. that cd and the songs on it are probably the worst thing i have ever heard. the saddest thing about a band is when you know they have talent, but they dont use it.
and as far as classifying music, and trashing it, i am only stating my opinion. when i hear people say i like emo music, in almost every case, they never ever have heard of most of the bands that made emo what it is. most people dont know emo was in fact around in the 80's and that upsets me. when people say they like emo, this means they like thrice and taking back sunday and thursday.. ect. i will never say that those bands are bad, however i do not enjoy them. all i am trying to get out is that people should try listening to some other (real) forms of emo.

end rant.
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