Thank you. I wanted you to read this 'cause I know you, unlike some others, would try to be as honest as possible.
Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA
This sounds like depression, SljSlj!
Definitely depression!
This is definitely based around depression. This is difficult for me to admit 'cause I really don't want you to think less of me, but... from time to time, I have suicidal thoughts. On the day I wrote this, I was thinking about these times; not considering suicide, just thinking about the thoughts themselves... you understand what I'm saying? The fact that this what was going through my head makes me think that sleep was used as a metaphor for death, though I'm not 100% sure of that.
I think you could write, "Surely not for my own sake" and, "Stopped caring about myself long ago" to get rid of extra words, if you want to.
What is the significance of eight thousand hours? That's around 333 days, right? So...why?
I just thought eight-thousand is a good number of hours 'cause it seems like a long time, especially to be asleep and eight is also the usual number of hours people suggest you sleep you each night, that's why it's not seven-thousand or six-thousand, but eight.
You *could* just stay awake but close your eyes! Try this while walking under a train overpass as the train is going by. Quite a rush.
Back to your lyrics: I feel that when you ask "why" so often, it makes the song tip toward melodrama. When you ask so many rhetorical questions the song sounds to me more like an official speech or, conversely, like a diary.
I take it you were trying to being smart-ass with this. Obviously, you could be awake with your eyes closed, but that's not the point of this line. I guess the subject (me?) would be feeling very lost in life, so naturally they would ask alot of questions.
The lyrics are consistent in expressing the "go away; life sucks" idea. Without any hints about *why* this person's life is so bad, the lyrics sound to me as if perhaps the person's reaction is overblown compared to the trauma experienced.
Or is the song intended to describe depression, in which the feeling of life's hideousness and superficiality becomes overwhelming and the person wants to withdraw completely into himself?
I don't really think it's important why these thoughts are occuring at all, but I understand why you would want to know why. Maybe I'll write a follow-up to this that explains what led to these feelings.
Thanks, Erica.