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Old 02-20-2011, 11:14 PM   #1 (permalink)
one big soul
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okay, i'm gonna not be nice

Rainard Jalen: I hate reading his posts. Comes off as typical contrarian art school bullshit. Totally pretentious, and often hard to decipher.

ProggyMan: Doesn't post much anymore, but he always came off as super arrogant and really not much fun at all. Knowledgeable enough, but damn stubborn.

Pornographie_Neaveau/Whatever he changed his name to: Strongly disliked this guy. He was totally arrogant, liked lame no wave/post-punk shit (and don't even ****ing start lecturing me on the artistic merit of such music) and just made threads on it all day. The one picture he posted of himself pretty much confirmed his douchebaggery. Pretentious pre-hipster joker with boots and some weird vest thing. The world needs less of those people.
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