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Old 02-19-2011, 01:46 AM   #6 (permalink)
ThoseDazeGone's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Right now, Tallahassee Florida
Posts: 2

I might have it backwards. I have far more than an EP's worth of material, my live set can go 2 hours with originals, but I have 5 songs right now of my current material that are recorded in a presentable fashion. I'm much better at actually playing than I am at getting myself out there. Part of that is fear, which you guys can't help me with.

I can play, and get very good feedback when I play live. Frequently people tell me that I should be out and better promoted. i try, but I really don't have any money or friends supporting me right now, so Its very difficult to record, draw people to shows, etc. I feel like, and have been told, that my material far supercedes my ability to do anything with it right now. Does anybody have any good tips, however big or small, to help improve the places I'm booking, how I draw people in, on a very low budget?

Really, I appreciate what you guys have said so far. You guys appear to think I sound naive, but even that has been helpful, to realize I'm naive. It has me questioning myself, and my commitment to my music, and I realized that If I can be so easily turned on myself by a bunch of randoms on a message board, I will have to to thicken my skin up to make it in this business.

Any more feedback would be helpful, I'm willing to listen and learn. Specifics would be most helpful.
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