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Old 02-18-2011, 09:30 PM   #1 (permalink)
one big soul
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Dayvan - She's like that really innocent looking girl that you meet on the first day of high school but then you find out she's a total skank. Basically like that cept based on photos she looks really innocent and youthful but listens to tons of crazy weird stuff that I don't even listen to.

James - Has easily the best taste in music of the high school-aged kids on here, but half the stuff he posts about on here is probably boring as piss. Also, LEAVE DAYVAN ALOOOONE.

djchameleon: I've taken more notice of his posts lately, he's a pretty funny guy all things considered and nice to have around. We need to game sometime.

FaSho: He's still ill.

s__k: Pretty cool guy, you wouldn't know that English is his second language.

TheCunningStunt: Single-handedly responsible for a large portion of the best and worst threads and discussions. This forum certainly wouldn't be the same without him.
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