Disclaimer: I typed this posting in one go and am not able to correct stuff, so I hope it's readable
Originally Posted by James
I agree with all the bad points on s_k. I skip his posts a lot of the time.
I never noticed that James and I'm sorry to hear.
I really respect that you skip my postings rather than give me a hard time.
If you ever have the feeling I do something that I could change, feel free to PM.
Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio
I think s_k is a nice guy. I really don't think any of his rudeness is intended at all, when it's interpreted as such. In many sections of the site, particular in those dealing with audio, he's a very valuable contributor.
Definitely isn't intended but I do know I have some difficulties finding the right 'tone'. It's not something I can change right now but I am aware of that and, for what it's worth, it's been so much worse...
Originally Posted by Conan
Hm. You know I haven't even noticed any of the "bad points" about him. He's never once seemed out of line in my book. Go figure.
There are definitely things mentioned that I've heard before.
As long as everyone realises that I am not willing, in any way, to annoy people or to be rude, I hope you guys (well, obviously not you conan

) can cope with my presence
Originally Posted by Plum
He doesn't go about it desperately and attack people if he doesn't get it, unlike some on this board. Maybe he should be a bit openminded about the things he doesn't know but you people have to remember he does have Asperger's so he doesn't totally function/socialise in the same way the rest of us do. I don't mean that in a condescending way, just that it's easy to overlook a lot of the things and I'm sure he's unaware of a lot of the things he does and how they appear to others.
Thanks for pointing that out again, Plum

I tend not to make a secret out of this so people can (if they want) think about that when they read my postings and perhaps sigh for a bit and carry on. It's exactly like you put it: I am unaware or have a different (abnormal) view on the way things I do and say appear to others.
It's the other way around too, I sometimes interpret things in a way that's far from 'average'. Sometimes that's a choice I make, but often it's just aspergers getting in the way.
Just once more: I have been diagnosed with aspergers (which is a form of autism) and I do live from disability benefits. You don't get these easily here, so there's probably a lot more wrong with me than you might think. Altough I know it doesn't really show, not even when you meet me, when you get to know me you will notice some abnormalities. It's hard to say how 'severe' I have aspergers. It's hard to say. I can do a lot, but there's some very normal things (like making phone calls for instance) I'm terrified of. Socially I'm better than I am supposed to be, considering the severity of my autism. I never really gave up communicating and trained myself. It really works, but it still shows sometimes.
I am sorry for that. Altough some of you guys may think I'm some arrogant prick, I do care a lot of what other people way. I don't even play music people don't like when they're at my place. I make compilation tapes and I leave tracks out because I know they will bother some people. So I'm in no way feeling better or more important than others. It's probably just the way I put things that makes people think I do, but I really really don't.
Originally Posted by Burning Down
S_k is a great member. He has positive and negative things to say about different things just like everyone else.
I've always been bothering a select group of people. It's been like this my whole life. The only forum I've managed to stay without being bullied is the forum on which I am a moderator myself. Go figure...
So please, let this be the first exception. That would be great.
Originally Posted by Conan
 I HAD NO IDEA! I wouldn't have ever even noticed either.
Yeah you would, keep paying attention. By the time I have 5000 postings you will have noticed
